Kitchen Vacuum Packing Machine and Food Sealer

Convenient, practical & simple to use!  Sealing product width 3mm, Maximum Sealing Length 280mm


Vacuum Locks freshness,preserve the fresh and tender taste of food

Meet a variety of vacuum packaging needs from cooked food,raw meat,cereals,fish and snacks😋

01 Deoxygenation  02 Preservation  03 Moisture-proof

Kitchen Vacuum Packing Machine and Food Sealer

Ksh 8,000

Enjoy a 30% OFF clearance offer while stocks last!

Only Ksh 5,490

Delivery Policy

‣ Delivery within Nairobi = KSh 150

‣ Delivery to Nairobi environs = KSh 250

‣ Delivery to other parts of Kenya will be calculated depending on location


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